Thursday, July 24, 2008

East meets West Pizzas

My craving for pizza made me run out to buy a pizza crust to make my own pizza. Although the crust wasn't anything to rave about, I do enjoy putting my favourite ingredients on the crust.

With 2 crusts in a packet, I made 2 pizzas of different styles -- Japanese Style & Western Style Black Pepper Chicken pizzas. Both pizzas have the same base ingredients but they have different sauces for coating the crusts.

East meets West Pizzas


  1. Pizza crusts
  2. Chicken thigh meat
  3. Black pepper sauce (Singlong brand)
  4. Capsicum
  5. Tomato
  6. Shiitake mushrooms
  7. Crabsticks
  8. Tomato Paste for coating the pizza crust (Western style)
  9. Okonomiyaki sauce & Mayonnaise for coating the pizza crust (Jap style)
  10. Furikake (To sprinkle on the Jap pizza)
  11. Mozzarella cheese

The process...

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