Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Meat : Veggies :Christmas Potlucks

Christmas is always a busy time of the year for me as I'll usually have gatherings with my family and friends. So whenever there's gatherings, there will be potlucks! This year, there's only 2 potluck sessions, one with my family and the other with my Frenz184.

Family Potluck
As mentioned in previous entries, I made cold soba and udon for my family. I added baked potatoes at the last minute. Anyway, this is the 1st time that some of my relatives are eating cold noodles and they are probably not used to having their noodles cold. But ultimately, my noodles finished in no time. =) I wouldn't post any more pics of the cold soba & udon already as they can be found in earlier entries.

So here's my baked potatoes--->

Frenz184 Potluck

Here's what we had for dinner that day. We don't have alot of people, just 5 of us. But being kiasu, we prepared too much food...lol

The yummylicious fried rice (My favourite!) and fried chicken wings (2nd favourite!) were contributed by Cheryl with the help of her mum (or the other way round =x), fried finger food contributed by Sharon's mum and Pearlynn did up the fruits yogurt. As for me, I prepared black pepper bruschettas this time round and according to Cheryl's parents, it was pretty good. Yeah! So here's my recipe for the black pepper bruschettas. Enjoy!

Black Pepper Bruschettas (Makes around 16)

1 big chicken breast, deboned
1/2 tbsp of sesame oil
1 small yellow onion
1/2 a red capsicum (depending on individual liking)
Singlong black pepper sauce (can be found in NTUC), amount depends on individual
A splash of Shaoxing cooking wine (Optional, but nice to have)
1 baguette (Delifrance is the best!), sliced diagonally
1/2 a packet of Mozarella cheese

1. Slice chicken breast into small pieces
2. Place chicken into a plastic bag and marinate with sesame oil and 1 heaping spoon of black pepper sauce (Marinate overnight for better tasting chicken)
3. Chop onion and capsicum into small cubes.
4. Using medium fire, brown the onions in the pan and add capsicum. Fry for 1 minute.
5. Add chicken and continue frying.
6. Pour in 2-3 tbsps (depending on individual) of black pepper sauce while chicken is around half cooked.
7. When chicken is just cooked, turn on high fire and add Shaoxing wine to the side of the frying pan/wok that is nearer to the flames. (My mum said that this is to give the food a 'wok hei' taste.) *Chicken can be done ahead of time*
8. Scoop some chicken onto each slice of baguette and top with mozarella cheese.
9. Finally, bake bruschettas at around 150 degrees until the cheese melts and browns.

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