Sunday, February 18, 2007

Makan Places: 恭喜发财 (红包一个来)

Here's wishing everyone a very Happy New Year and may all be blessed with abundant wealth and great health!

I'm sure most of us will have at least one "Lo hei"(
捞鱼生) session during this period of time and I had my first "lo hei" today with my family and relatives.

We went to the JUMBO Seafood Waterfront which is located at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. First up was the salmon yu sheng which was too sweet for my liking. The only thing that I liked was that there was alot of the crispy Chinese shrimp crackers added to it *crunch crunch*
For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, the pictures below illustrates the steps to eating yu sheng. Follow closely...

Step 1: Arrange all ingredients neatly on a big plate.
Step 2: Everyone to pick up a pair of chopsticks.
Step 3: Toss all the ingredients into the air (the higher the better) and say auspicious wishes 吉祥话 at the same time.
Step 4: Tuck in!

Our family's kamquat & Sunkist oranges. LOL

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